本文报告 195 9~ 1998年青海高原人与动物多房棘球绦虫感染情况的研究结果。共手术治疗泡型包虫病人111例 ;男性 73例 ,女性 38例 ;其中肝泡球蚴病 10 0例 ,肺泡球蚴病 2例 ,脑泡球蚴病 7例 ,脾泡球蚴病 2例。年龄17~ 74岁 ,成年人最为常见。牧民和农民最多见 ,其他职业少见。普查 370 2人 ,B超诊断为肝泡球蚴病者 2 3人( 0 .6 2 % ) ,EM1 8血清学阳性者 30人 ( 0 .81% ) ,两种方法均符合者 13人 ( 0 .35 % )。调查中间宿主 7种 ,在家养动物牦牛肝脏和肺脏及藏绵羊肝脏发现泡球蚴感染 ,感染率分别为 4.0 9% ( 18/ 384)和 5 .36 % ( 31/ 5 78) ;野生动物黑唇鼠兔的肝脏和肺脏及灰尾兔的肺脏发现泡球蚴的感染 ,其感染率分别为 3.45 % ( 11/ 319)和 12 .5 0 % ( 1/ 8)。调查终宿主 5种 ,在藏犬和藏狐肠内均证实多房棘球绦虫感染 ,其感染率分别为 5 .0 8% ( 3/ 5 9)和 33.33% ( 4/ 12 )。提示青海高原存在多房棘球绦虫的藏犬、藏狐 /黑唇鼠兔、灰尾兔和藏犬、藏狐 /牦牛、藏绵羊两种类型的多房棘球绦虫生活史循环链
This article reports the results of the study on the infection of Echinococcus multilocularis in humans and animals in the Qinghai Plateau from 1995 to 1998. A total of 111 cases of foam hydatid disease were treated; 73 males and 38 females; of which 10 cases of alveolar hydatidosis, alveolar echinococcosis in 2 cases, 7 cases of cysticercosis, 2 cases. Age 17 ~ 74 years old, adults are the most common. Herdsmen and peasants are the most common, other occupations are rare. There were 370 2 people in the census, 23 (0.62%) were diagnosed as B-type hypersensitive cysts and 30 (0 .81%) were positive for EM1 8 seropositivity. Both of them met the criteria of 13 0 .35%). Seven species of intermediate hosts were investigated. Infectious rates were 4.09% (18/384) and 5.36% (31/58) respectively in the yak liver of domesticated animals and in the liver of sheep and Tibetan sheep. The infection rate of wild animals The infection rates of metacercariae were 3.45% (11/319) and 12.5% (1/8) respectively in the lungs of the labial and rabbit liver and gray tail rabbit. Five species of the final host were investigated. Echinococcus multilocularis infection was confirmed in the Tibetan dogs and the domestic fowls, with infection rates of 5.08% (3/5 9) and 33.33% (4/12), respectively. Prompted the Qinghai Plateau Echinococcus multilocularis Tibetan dogs, Tibetan fox / black lip rabbit, gray tail rabbit and Tibetan dogs, Tibetan fox / yak, Tibetan sheep two types of Echinococcus multilocular life cycle chain