Japan, known as a world economic powerhouse, has surpassed the United States per capita gross domestic product and has replaced the original position of the United States to become the world’s top creditor country. In recent years, Japan’s international trade has huge surpluses year after year. Japanese manufacturers footprints almost all over the world, wherever they go, all the stuff in the city flooded the city. Japanese are scenic tourists, luxury hotel patrons. The Japanese government also plans to send its domestic elderly to go abroad for peace and do not mind spending huge amounts of money. Japan’s national savings rate was as high as 26%, 堪 堪 the world top; high-end consumer goods among the highest penetration rate. All of this creates the impression that “the Japanese are rich.” Even some of the prestigious authorities in the academic field of China have also taken captives and sighs of excitement. Some of them even proposed to “re-understand” and “reevaluate” capitalism because it is said that Japan has indeed