患者,女,41岁,因声嘶伴咽喉痛1周入院。骤然起病,声嘶伴咽喉疼痛不适,无呼吸困难,无咳痰、咯血,无畏寒、发热,声嘶渐加重至失声。各种抗感染治疗及地塞米松5 mg静脉滴注无效。入院体检:体温36.8℃,脉搏76次/min,呼吸16次/min,血压90/60 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),神志清楚,颈部淋
The patient, female, 41 years old, was hospitalized for 1 week because of hoarseness and sore throat. Sudden onset, hoarseness, sore throat with discomfort, no breathing difficulties, no sputum, hemoptysis, no chills, fever, hoarseness increased to the sound of silence. A variety of anti-infective treatment and dexamethasone 5 mg intravenous infusion invalid. Admission physical examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse 76 beats / min, breathing 16 times / min, blood pressure 90/60 mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa), conscious, neck shower