In this paper, for the first time, mercury (Hg) forms a complex with nitrogen oxide (NxOy) after it is nitric acid digested, and Hg and NxOy can be formed simultaneously with the classical reduction with SnCl2 Out, to determine the existence of Hg and NxOy coordination between the determination of mercury in the mathematical metrology increased to 1.5 times the results show that the use of vanadium pentoxide digestion milk powder samples can accurately reflect this relationship, and accurately come to Its mercury content. In the United Nations Environment Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization joint monitoring of food contamination monitoring of lead, cadmium, mercury quality assurance, the application of this method measured results consistent with the true value. The study of the method in this paper not only improves the accuracy and sensitivity of mercury determination, but also provides new inspiration for re-understanding of its reaction mechanism.