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美国肯·古德曼教授提出:“语文学习的历程要回到真实的世界中,通过孩子在生活中实际运用语言的机会——问问题、聆听对方的回答、对回答做出回应等,从听说读写的过程中全方位地学习语言。”在语文教学中,教师有必要将现行教材进行统整、拓展、厚实,从而让学生在语文这个广阔的教学天地里习得广博的内容。一、以中心思想为立足点,提炼教材中的教育主题“工具性”与“人文性”的统一是语文学科的基本特征。现行各版本的语文教材在编排时除了遵循学生的认知规律,还非常关注学生对文章中心思想的领 Professor Ken Goodman of the United States put forward: “The process of language learning is to return to the real world by asking children to actually use the language in their life - asking questions, listening to each other’s answers, answering responses, From the process of listening, speaking, reading and writing, we can learn a full range of languages. ”In Chinese teaching, teachers need to make the current teaching materials systematize, expand and thick, so that students can gain extensive knowledge in this vast teaching world of Chinese content. First, taking the central idea as the starting point, refining the unity of the educational theme “instrumental” and “humanistic” in the textbook is the basic characteristic of the Chinese subject. The current version of the language teaching materials in the layout in addition to follow the cognitive rules of students, but also very concerned about the students of the center of the article collar