
来源 :广东土地科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ymlazy61
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农村土地价值随着经济发展和城镇化进程推进日益凸显,加上农村产权登记制度、农村土地流转制度的不完善,农村土地权属纠纷突出,有些甚至可能会引发群体性事件。如何处理农村土地权属纠纷,是促进城乡一体化发展的一个重要课题,也是土地改革过程中的一个重要难题。本文在指出农村土地权属纠纷调处的现实困境及问题的同时探讨了如何更好地化解农村土地纠纷。 With the promotion of economic development and urbanization, rural land value has become increasingly prominent. Coupled with the rural property registration system and the imperfect system of rural land transfer, rural land ownership disputes are prominent and some may even trigger mass incidents. How to deal with rural land ownership dispute is to promote the integration of urban and rural areas is an important issue, but also the land reform process is an important problem. This article points out the real difficulties and problems in the mediation of rural land tenure disputes and at the same time explores how to better resolve rural land disputes.