ND_4内燃机车自1974年进口以来,已运用近10年,机车橡胶件特别是旁承橡胶弹簧均已老化。为了节省进口这种配件的外汇,急待用国产产品去更换。根据铁道部的指示,铁道部科学研究院机辆所与上海橡胶制品研究所协作,仿制出两批整体硫化橡胶旁承样品,进行了200万次的振动疲劳试验,又装于4台 ND_4内燃机车上试用了三年,未发现有倾斜、变曲、
ND4 diesel locomotive has been used for nearly 10 years since it was imported in 1974. Locomotive rubber parts, especially the side bearing rubber springs, have been aged. In order to save the foreign exchange to import such accessories, it is urgent to use domestic products to change. According to instructions from the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Railways Institute of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Shanghai Institute of Rubber Products, duplicated two batches of vulcanized rubber bearing samples and carried out 2 million vibration and fatigue tests and installed them on four ND4 diesel locomotives On the trial for three years, did not find a tilt, distortion,