In the Jurassic of Xinjiang and Jingbaoyinbuluke, a set of fan-delta sedimentary bodies formed by the deposition of alluvial horns formed in humid climates into inland lakes were developed. The delta sequence is complete and shows clearly that the sequence of sedimentary processes to the lake is as follows: the massive sand-gravel mainly dominated by debris flow in the fan delta plain, the gravelly sandstone deposited in fan-shaped channel, the medium-coarse sandstone lens, Sedimentary; fan delta front debris detritus deposition of massive conglomerate, sandwiched sub-distributary channel sedimentary sandstone lens body; the former fan delta shale with shale, silty shale-based, turbidity flow Genesis of sandstone, sedimentary body rich in plant fossils, see the local carbonaceous shale and thin seam, the former fan delta mudstone is a good source rock.