This retrospective analysis of 200 cases of patients over the age of 60 heart failure clinical data to explore some of the characteristics of the elderly heart failure. Materials and Results A total of 850 inpatients with medical-grade heart failure in our hospital from January 1982 to December 1986 were selected randomly from 200 elderly patients with heart failure (aged group) and 60 patients aged below 60 (non-elderly group) Cases were controlled analysis. Elderly group: 119 males and 81 females; male: female 1.4: 1; aged 60 to 84 years, mean 68 years. Non-elderly group: male 79 cases, female 121 cases; male: female 0.65: 1: aged 14 to 59 years old, average 40 years old. First, the basic causes of heart disease and predisposing factors All patients with heart failure have organic heart disease. Elderly patients with coronary heart disease in 11 cases (55.5%), heart disease in 51 cases (25.5%), pulmonary heart disease in 18 cases