同志们! 让我来举杯敬祝科学,敬祝科学繁荣,敬祝科学人物健康。敬祝科学繁荣,我所说的科学是不与人民隔绝,是不远远离开人民,而是决意服务於人民,决意把自己的一切成果交给人民的那个科学,是并非由於迫不得已,而是自愿和乐意服务於人民的那个科学。(鼓掌) 敬祝科学繁荣,我所说的科学是不让自己那些公认的老的领导者们自满自足地闭门幽
Comrades, let me toast to the science, respect for the prosperity of science and respect for the health of scientific people. In spite of the prosperity of science, the science I have said is not isolated from the people. It is not just because of last resort but also because it is determined to serve the people and the science that is determined to give all its own achievements to the people. The science that voluntarily and willingly serves the people. (Applause) We are grateful for the prosperity of science. What I mean by science is not keeping one’s own recognized, old leaders behind themselves