
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssaifengchen
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一、前言学校运动会具有多元性、多层次性、多方面效益,同许多现代社会的活动和认识都有着直接或间接的联系。作为学校体育工作的重要组成部分之一,学校体育竞赛是推动学校群众性运动的开展和促进运动技术水平提高的重要手段,也是吸引广大同学积极参加锻炼的主要措施。现行的学校运动会大多是以一年一次的田径运动会为主,然而通过观察和调查研究发现,这样的运动会模式与实际期望的是大相径庭,导致了体质好的与体质差的、技术好的与技术差的学生之间的差距越来越 I. Preface The school sports games are multi-dimensional, multi-level and multi-faceted. They have direct or indirect connections with the activities and knowledge of many modern societies. As one of the important components of school physical education, the school sports competition is an important means to promote mass sports in schools and promote the improvement of sports skills. It is also a major measure to attract students to actively participate in physical exercises. The current school games are mostly based on the annual track and field games. However, through observation and investigation, the pattern of such games is quite different from the actual expectation, resulting in a combination of good constitution and poor quality, technical skills and technology The gap between poor students is getting worse
答疑解惑    婴幼儿常见眼病主要有先天性白内障、先天性青光眼、先天性眼球震颤、先天性小眼球小角膜、先天性虹膜脉络膜缺损、维生素A缺乏症、新生儿结膜炎、眼外伤、早产儿视网膜病变等。预防方法为:  1.避免近亲结婚。  2.怀孕前后要预防各种感染(如性病和感冒),不接触环境污染因素(如噪声、光污染等),防止早产。  3.注意新生儿眼卫生,防止新生儿结膜炎。  4.合理喂养,避免发生维生素A缺乏症。