November 17, 2012, sponsored by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Hengyang Teachers College hosted the Tenth National Art Higher Education Institution Annual Report held in Hengyang, Hunan. 43 expert scholars and journal editors from China Academy of Art, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai University, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Nanjing Arts Institute, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Shandong Arts and Crafts College On the bank of the Xiangjiang River, with the theme of “Basic Education and Fine Arts of Colleges and Universities”, this paper conducted a heated discussion and in-depth reflection on the status quo of art basic education in colleges and universities in the recent 10 years. The seminar was presided over by Yin Shuangxi, executive editor of “Fine Arts Research” of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.