针对选择性沉淀法从钨酸盐溶液中除钼过程,根据已有的热力学数据,计算了伴生杂质锑的硫化平衡行为,并探讨和验证了深度除锑的可行性和途径.绘制溶液中各含锑离子随pH、溶液电势以及硫与锑的浓度比[S]/[Sb]变化的分布曲线,分析了溶液中 pH、硫化剂用量以及溶液电势对锑硫化行为的影响规律,分析了选择性沉淀法的除锑能力及其影响因素,提出了深度分离锑杂质的方法,并通过实验对上述思路进行了验证.结果表明:当pH为7~10、[S]/[Sb]≥2时,溶液中99%以上含锑离子以SbS2?的形式存在;实验结果与理论预测一致,并取得了较好的效果,当硫用量和铜加入量为锑摩尔量的3倍时,除锑率达到了97%.“,”Aiming at the behavior of impurity Sb in the process of Mo separation by selective precipitation method, the distribution of diagram of various antimony-containing ions were drawn according to thermodynamic calculation results. And the sulfurization of Sb under conditions of different pH, φhand [Sb]/[S] was discussed and verified. The effectiveness of selective precipitation and operating factors on antimony removing were analyzed considering the competitive coordination of S2?ions, and a method was proposed for deep removing antimony impurities. The result show that, under the conditions of pH 7?10 and [S]/[Sb]≥2, more than 99% of antimony exists as SbS2?. The above idea is verified by experiment and the results are consistent with theoretical predictions. When the dosage of sulfur and copper are 3 times, the removal rate of antimony is 97%.