【摘 要】
Multimode dispersion is the main obstacle for high bandwidth in multimode optical fiber (MMF) communication system. Mode selection is an effective method to oppress multimode dispersion. We propose and investigate a kind of polymer optical fiber polished
【机 构】
【出 处】
Multimode dispersion is the main obstacle for high bandwidth in multimode optical fiber (MMF) communication system. Mode selection is an effective method to oppress multimode dispersion. We propose and investigate a kind of polymer optical fiber polished coupler. Beam propagation method (BPM) is employed to calculate the coupling coefficient of transmission modes in MMF coupler, and an output pattern from coupling branch is obtained. Analysis and experiment show that this coupler can select certain modes by changing polished depth, contact area, and intersection angle of two branches, which means that the device can be employed both as a mode selector and a sensor. In addition, simulation shows that five times bandwidth enhancement may be realized by selecting modes with the polymer fiber polished coupler.
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针对传统串联式微位移机构具有的结构不紧凑和刚度较低等问题, 本文设计了一种结构紧凑、具有高分辨率和高刚度的并联式自解耦二自由度微位移平台。该平台采用了4个对称布置的嵌套式平行导向机构, 使得平台具有刚度对称和自解耦等特点。本文还对嵌套式平行导向机构的工作原理进行了分析。通过有限元方法仿真分析了微位移平台在不同受力状态下的变形情况, 并对其进行了模态分析。经实验测量, 证实了该平台具有自解耦功能, 并得出了微位移平台的实际行程, 且其输出位移也被证实具有较为良好的线性度。
为了实现对空间暗弱目标的探测, 设计了大孔径可见光探测相机的光学系统。该系统焦距为350 mm, 相对孔径为1/1.6, 全视场角为3.2°, 波段范围为450~950 nm。介绍了可见光探测相机的构成, 确定光学系统的结构形式为马克苏托夫两反射系统, 主次镜均采用球面镜。采用CODE-V光学设计软件对系统进行了优化设计。给出了像质评价及热分析结果。设计结果表明, 该可见光探测相机光学系统各视场点列图基本是圆形, 全视场内80%能量的弥散斑直径均小于26 μm, 最大畸变小于0.05%, 倍率色差小于5
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