Big Little lies: No One Is Perfect

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1. I just feel like they're both slipping① away. I just feel like they're gonna grow up and they're gonna be gone, and... and we're gonna be on to another chapter of our life. You have a business. And… and… I don't. I'm a mom. This is my universe.
2. I love you more than infi nity② times infi nity.
3. A perfect life is a perfect lie.
4. I'm not right! So perfect. I'm not perfect! I make mistakes.
5. None of us really see things as they are; we see things as we are.
" 虽然在《亲爱的客栈》只做了短短4天义工,但是“小猴紫”完美展示了什么是百变少女——她是暖心的金牌调解员;是创作魔性神曲的搞笑担当;还是依依不舍抱起姐姐的少女大力士。暖心、搞笑、乐观;对于过往的磨难,留过的泪水,她也可以笑着提起,偶像包袱简直掉了一地。而真正打动我们的,也正是她的那份真实和对梦想的追求吧。   杨紫在《星空演讲》时也说过:“每个人都是平凡的,我也很平凡,但我坚持下来了。我一直活在
" Fear is a priceless treasure .   Because, usually, only fear can remind you in critical① occasions what is really important.   Fear is in fact our awe② towards greater powers.   We fear what we don'
" No one forgets their first bicycle. Mine was a Schwinn coaster, secondhand, painted a distinctive① red and yellow by its previous owner. I remember wobbling②dangerously - and too fast - down the big
" If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished①the fi rst task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and anothe
" 想想你在花钱上是多么吝啬,如果有人在街上问你要10美元,你是不会给的。普通的一顿饭要收你30%的小费,那也是没门儿。诸如此类的事情还有不少。但是我们大部分人都肆意挥霍着时间,对于时间的浪费,每天如此。除非我们刻意留心,不然我们还是明知故犯。怎样做才能不浪费时间?不如将它看成一种投资,看看它能带来多少回报。   在某些方面,让我觉得(投资时间)会有不可思议的即刻回报。比如,花一个晚上的时间,在我
" The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped①. Honestly, one look at him and I became a lunatic②.   It's his eyes. Something in his eyes. They're blue, and framed in the blackness of his lashes③, they
" 长相思,长相思。   若问相思甚了期,   除非相见时。   长相思,长相思。   欲把相思说似谁,   淺情人不知。  "
" 同名小说改编剧《致我們单纯的小美好》讲述了江辰(胡一天饰)与陈小希(沈月饰)从青梅竹马到错失后再次牵手的爱情故事。蠢萌逗比的元气少女,腹黑傲娇的全能学霸,一个大胆倒追,一个暗中维护;而二人啼笑皆非的日常更是呈现出少男少女间最单纯青涩的感情,引起了广大观众的羡慕与共鸣。最喜欢辰希CP的这段对话:“比喜欢多一点是爱,比爱多一点呢,是只爱。那比只爱多一点呢,是不能失去。比不能失去再多一点呢,是另一个
" I used to believe courtesy①was a thing of the past. Very seldom have I encountered a courteous human being in this modern era of the so called Generation X.   Recently, I had to change my thinking,
" 在忍受了三年的虐待之后,眼看著我的孩子也要受到虐待时,我再也受不了了。   力量不仅仅取决于肌肉。力量是你鼓起勇气去做那些看似不可能的事情。   那一年,在我的国家,有22000起虐待儿童案。   我一生中做过的最伟大的事情是把我的孩子从受害者变成幸存者。   勇敢地说出反对家庭暴力更使我充满力量。跳出这一步,成就本来就很伟大的自己。你不只是一个统计数据中的受害者,你是一个人,你是一个等待获得