太子参也是我省的主要中葯材(为省管葯材),生产于临沂、莒南两县。今年根据国务院发展中葯材生产的指示,貫彻就地生产、就地供应的方針,我省大部地区正在引种和試种。太子参又名“孩儿参”,为石竹科多年生草本植物,其地下块根供葯用,疗效与人参相似。一般用作強壮葯,尤以治小儿虚汗为佳。一、选地: 太子参喜欢土質松塇的沙質壤土,并喜生茬。莒南县种太子参,多是用黑色的沙質壤土菜园地,土質肥沃,地下水位在五尺左右,排水良好。据老农經驗,在黄色沙質壤土地种植更好。
Taizishen is also the main Chinese herbal medicine in our province (as a provincial medicine), and it is produced in Linyi and Minnan counties. This year, according to the instructions of the State Council for the development of the production of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, the principle of local production and local supply has been implemented. Most provinces in our province are introducing and trial planting. Taizi ginseng, also known as “baby ginseng,” is a perennial herb of Caryophyllaceae. Its underground roots are used for medicinal purposes and its efficacy is similar to that of ginseng. Generally used as a strong drug, especially in children with sweating is better. First, the choice of land: heterophylla likes loose soil sandy loam, and rejoicing. Tainan ginseng in Funan County is mostly made of black sandy loamy soil. The soil is fertile. The groundwater level is about five feet and the drainage is good. According to old farmer’s experience, planting in yellow sandy soil is better.