Sinistral Strike-slip Movement Along Western Terminal Segment of the Active Daqingshan Piedmont Faul

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foonyun_117_126
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There are 18 gullies displaying sinistral contortions to different degrees along the western terminal segment about 10 km long of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault near the Donghe District, Baotou City. The contortion amount of gullies ranges from 20 m to 300 m. The contortion and length of the gullies are in direct proportion. The relation between piedmont terraces and gullies indicates that the gullies with upper reaches of about 1-5 km long and those smaller than one kilometer were formed at the end of Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Meanwhile, sandy gravel layer of alluvial-proluvial sediment on the upthrown wall is directly in contact with yellow clayey sand of the downthrown wall. During the Holocene, the sinistral strike-slip rate along the western terminal segment of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault reached 5 mm/a from age data of dislocated sediments. The evolutional mechanism of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault is also discussed in the paper. The contortion and length of the gullies ranges from 20 m to 300 m. of the gullies are in direct proportion. The relation between piedmont terraces and gullies says that the gullies with upper reaches of about 1-5 km long and those smaller than one kilometer were formed at the end of Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Meanwhile, sandy gravel layer of alluvial-proluvial sediment on the upthrown wall is directly in contact with yellow clayey sand of the downthrown wall. During the Holocene, the sinistral strike-slip rate along the western terminal segment of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault reached 5 mm / a from age of dislocated sediments. The evolutional mechanism of the active Daqingshan piedmont fault is also discussed in the paper.
一种新的氢氟酸(HF)体系在过去两年半的时间内成功地在 30口井上进行了应用。新的HF体系现场效果与传统泥酸配方相比 ,增加的产量可比后者高35 0 %。新的HF体系是一种深穿透
凡造成新生儿严重缺氧的因素 ,如宫内窘迫、新生儿窒息、缺氧缺血性脑病、重症肺炎、肺透明膜病、肺出血等 ,均可导致新生儿缺氧性损伤。经治疗后 ,部分患婴在恢复期有嗜睡、
本研究目的旨在明确聚合物驱替采油中所用聚丙烯酰胺对试验所选油田常见细菌生长的影响。同时还考察了 1 0 0ppm甲醛对这些菌体的影响。因为在规划开发阶段 ,没有得到油田现
汽油发动机工作中,如果出现低速运转不正常故障,可能在高速时发动机运转正常,也可能在中、高速时都不正常。下面分别谈一下这3种故障的原因及判断。 1 发动机低速时运转不均