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八七会议后,中共在苏区领导和开展了“打土豪、分田地”的革命斗争。这场斗争的革命意义体现在:在经济上消灭了封建地租剥削,实现了耕者有其田,促进了农业生产力的发展;在政治上摧毁了土豪劣绅这一封建剥削阶层,唤醒农民积极参加革命,建立了属于劳苦大众的人民政权;在社会层面,保障了农民阶层的生存,实现了财富的再分配;在文化思想上,通过普及教育开启民智,通过发行报刊唤醒民众的革命意识,揭露和痛斥了剥削的罪恶,传播了平等的观念,破除了迷信;在法律层面,促进了苏区宪法、土地法的诞生,同时用刑法来保卫革命成果。“打土豪、分田地”带来了苏区社会翻天覆地的变化,无论是从其缘起,还是性质内容上,乃至对苏区社会影响之广度和深度来讲,“打土豪、分田地”都是中共领导苏区民众开展的一场深刻的社会变革。 After the 87th CPC National Congress, the Chinese Communist Party led and carried out revolutionary struggles in the Soviet area to “fight local tyrants and sub-fields.” The revolutionary significance of this struggle is that it economically eliminates the exploitation of feudal rent, realizes that the landless of cultivated people and promotes the development of agricultural productive forces, and politically destroys the feudal exploiting class of tyrants and evil gentry and awakens the peasants’ active participation in the revolution , Established the people’s power belonging to the laboring masses; at the social level, the subsistence of the peasantry was guaranteed and the redistribution of wealth was realized; in the cultural ideology, the popularization of education was adopted to open up the wisdom of the people and the people were rewarded by publishing newspapers and magazines, Denounced the crime of exploitation, disseminated the concept of equality, and dispel superstition; at the legal level, it promoted the birth of the constitution of the Soviet Area and the law of land, and at the same time used the criminal law to defend the revolutionary achievements. In the Soviet Union, the social revolution has brought tremendous changes. Whether it is from its origin, or from the nature and content, and even the breadth and depth of the social influence of the Soviet Area, All these are profound social changes conducted by the people in the Soviet area led by the CPC.
日本当代著名哲学家、思想家梅原猛先生认为森林思想是日本文化的原点。反思中国文化 ,森林思想在中国文化中所占份额极少 ,而土地情结是中国文化诸多原点中最主要的方面。土