The impaction of aggregated network traffic on queueing system is studied in this paper. It shows that the network traffic stayed in buffer has different impaction on queueing performance when it is aggregated at different scales. And its influence is related not only to traffic parameters but also to system parameter, such as buffer size. The increased buffer size can absorb the effect of short-range dependence (SRD) in network traffic and only the effect of long-range dependence (LRD) is expressed. The queueing length is asymptotic Weibull distribution with increasing buffer size, which is irrespective with the effect of short-range dependence character. Monte-Carlo based simulation confirmed the validity of these results.
The impaction of aggregated network traffic on queueing system is studied in this paper. It shows that the network traffic stayed in buffer has different impaction on queueing performance when it is aggregated at different scales. And its influence is related not only to traffic parameters but also The increased buffer size can absorb the effect of short-range dependence (SRD) in network traffic and only the effect of long-range dependence (LRD) is expressed. The queueing length is asymptotic Weibull distribution with increasing buffer size, which is irrespective with the effect of short-range dependence character. Monte-Carlo based simulations of the validity of these results.