巩乃斯河谷处于中国天山海拔1500—2600米的中山地带。在这里,1966年12月下旬发生了一次规模很大的灾害性雪崩,在不到20公里的公路上计有大小雪崩锥100余处,最大的雪崩锥高达7—8米,总崩塌量约44万方,中断公路交通达四个月之久。 1967年起,我所应新疆公路管理部门邀请,与中国科学院新疆分院、新疆气象局、新疆公路设计院等单位协作,在巩乃斯河谷海拔1776米的阶地上建立雪崩站,开展了比较系统的公路雪崩防治研究,取得了初步成果。
Gong Nai River Valley in China Tianshan 1500-2600 meters above sea level in Zhongshan. Here, a massive and avalanche occurred in late December 1966. There were more than 100 avalanches of avalanches in less than 20 kilometers of roads. The largest avalanche cone was as high as 7-8 meters. The total amount of collapse was about 44 Wanfang, cut off the road traffic for four months. Since 1967, at the invitation of the Xinjiang Highway Administration, I, in collaboration with the Xinjiang Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Xinjiang Meteorological Administration and the Xinjiang Highway Design Institute, established an avalanche station on the 1776-meter-long terrace in the Kenane Valley and started a systematic road Avalanche prevention and treatment, and achieved initial results.