瞄准战场需求 解决保障难点

来源 :今日新疆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haohaodezuzut
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七月中旬,新疆军区联勤某分部着眼现代信息化战争对联勤保障提出的新要求,把保障部队拉进险象环生的天山深处和戈壁腹地,在炎炎烈日下全面锤炼部队在恶劣环境下的 In mid-July, a branch of the Xinjiang Military Region Joint Logistics Group focused on the new requirements laid on the joint logistics support by modern informatized wars, dragging the security forces into the dangerous Tianshan Mountains and the Gobi hinterland, and comprehensively tempering the troops under harsh conditions under the scorching sun of