张之洞的实业救国思想的产生有着深刻的历史和思想根源。它以提倡农工商三业并重和提倡实业教育等为基点 ,提出了兴办实业的各种具体主张 ,并以此为指导进行了一系列实业救国的活动 ,如办工厂、开矿山、修铁路 ,兴办实业学堂等。张之洞的实业救国思想及主张产生过积极影响 ,也不可避免地具有局限性
Zhang Zhidong’s industrial salvation thinking has profound historical and ideological roots. It advocated promoting equal emphasis on the three industries of agriculture, industry and commerce and promoting industrial education as the starting point and put forward various concrete proposals for setting up industries. Using it as a guide, they conducted a series of activities to save the country, such as running factories, opening mines, Industrial School and so on. Zhang Zhidong’s idea of industrial salvation and his ideas have had a positive impact, but also inevitably have limitations