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为积极应对经济增速放缓的“新常态”和利润下降、内生动力不足、外需持续疲弱等内外部经营环境的新变化,瓦力公司响应李克强总理的传统制造业转型为互联网+制造的号召,充分利用信息化手段,提高研发效率,控制制造成本,为实现互联网+打基础。本次瓦力公司信息化规划设计将充分利用现有资源,在现有ERP基础上进行升级,增加生产制造模块以实现对车间生产的管理,在PDM系统和ERP系统之间增加CAPP系统,将设计BOM转化为生产BOM,以满足生产管理需求。 In order to actively cope with the “new normal” of economic slowdown and the new changes in the internal and external business environments such as declining profits, insufficient internal power and weak external demand, Wal-Mart responded to Premier Li Keqiang’s transformation of traditional manufacturing to the Internet + Manufacturing call, make full use of information technology, improve research and development efficiency, control manufacturing costs, in order to achieve the foundation of the Internet +. The WARE company information planning and design will make full use of existing resources, based on the existing ERP upgrade, increase the manufacturing module in order to achieve the workshop of production management, PDM system and ERP system to increase CAPP system will be Design BOM into production BOM, to meet the production management needs.
党的十八大以来,习近平总书记就加强党的作风建设,力戒形式主义、官僚主义作出一系列重要指示。近期,习近平总书记专门作出重要批示,强调2019年要解决一些困扰基层的形式主义问题,切实为基层减负。为贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,更好为基层干部松绑减负,激励广大干部担当作为、不懈奋斗,经中央领导同志同意,决定将2019年作为“基层减负年”,现就有关工作要求通知如下。   一、以党的政治建设为统领加