
来源 :河南大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:punk123456
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一、全息发展战略和人的价值观转变 地区发展战略有各种不同的开发导向模式,(1)资源结构开发导向模式,从农—工—贸顺序出发去考虑资源开发是封闭模式,从贸—工—农顺序出发,要求考虑输出型(包括出口和输往国内其他各地)的商品经济;即为资源结构开发的开放导向模式。(2)产业结构开发导向模式,即5种产业(农业和矿业开发、公用事业和建筑业及加工业、交通运输和劳务业、科学信息产业、康乐产业或金融业)的逐步提高发展。(3)技术结构开发导向模式,如何从劳动密集产业向技术密集产业或资金密集产业转变,以及进一步如何发展咨询策略产 I. Holographic Development Strategy and Human Values ​​Transformation There are various development orientation models for changing regional development strategies. (1) The orientation mode of resource structure development starts from the order of agriculture, industry and trade to consider the development of resources as a closed model, Starting from the worker-peasant order, it is required to consider the commodity economy of the export-oriented (including exports and exports to other parts of the country); that is, an open-oriented model of resource structure development. (2) The development orientation pattern of industrial structure, that is, the progressive development of five industries (agriculture and mining development, public utilities and construction and processing, transportation and labor services, science information industry, recreation industry or financial industry). (3) How to guide the development of technology structure, how to shift from labor-intensive industries to technology-intensive industries or capital-intensive industries and how to further develop the strategy of consulting