本文报道经B超确诊180例5~16周宫内早孕患者,应用米非司酮(Mifepristone)配伍米索前列醇(Misoprostol,简 称米索)行药物流产。患者年龄从17~40岁,初孕妇69例,经产妇111例。米非司酮总量为150mg/6片,分两日服完,第三日上午服米索0.6mg/3片。结果:完全流产者133例(占78.1%),不全流产者26例(占15.8%),药流失败者11例(占6.1%)。分析药流成功的因素与年龄、孕周、孕龄、子宫
This article reports the diagnosis of 180 cases of 5 to 16 weeks of early pregnancy in patients with intrauterine pregnancy by B ultrasound, the application of mifepristone with misoprostol (Misoprostol, mis referred to as misoprostol) drug abortion. Patients from the age of 17 to 40 years old, 69 cases of early pregnant women, maternal 111 cases. The total amount of mifepristone 150mg / 6, served on two days, the morning of the third day of misoprostol 0.6mg / 3 tablets. Results: 133 cases of complete abortion (78.1%), 26 cases of incomplete abortion (15.8%) and 11 cases of abortion (6.1%). Analysis of the success factors of medical abortion and age, gestational age, gestational age, uterus