在建筑学基础教学阶段,如何解决逻辑思维与形象思维脱节的问题,如何更加有效地开发思维过程的创造力 ?通过教学改革中一系列新的作业课题的设置进行探索。同时从设计选题、教学方式、设计评价和作品分析等四方面介绍了课题一:主题纪念构架设计与制作。
In the basic teaching of architecture, how to solve the problem that the logical thinking is disconnected from the image thinking? How to develop the creative process of the thinking process more effectively? Through exploring a series of new homework assignments in the teaching reform. At the same time from the design topics, teaching methods, design evaluation and analysis of works introduced four topics: the theme of memorial architecture design and production.