本文对琼花的历史与文化、生物学性状、习性与繁殖方法及在城市林业中的应用进行了综合评述。 琼花(Viburnum macrocephalumFort f.keteleeri),为忍冬科荚属半常绿灌木,花形奇特,果实殷红,树形优美,是理想的春观花,秋观果的树种,在现代城市园林绿化中应用前景广阔。琼花不仅是极为美丽的园林植物,也是我国的千古名花,广为流传的“隋炀帝下扬州看琼花而下令开凿了大运河”更使其名扬天下,1985年经扬州市人民代表大会表决通过,被评为扬州市市花。
In this paper, the history and culture of Viburnum, biological characteristics, habits and breeding methods and its application in urban forestry were reviewed. Viburnum macrocephalumFort f.keteleeri, is the honeysuckle family is a semi-evergreen shrub, flower peculiar, fruit reddish, beautiful tree, is the ideal spring flowers, autumn fruit trees, in the modern city landscaping application Broad prospects. Qionghua is not only a very beautiful garden plant, but also the eternal flower of our country, widely circulated. "The Emperor Yang of Jiangsu Province ordered the opening of the Grand Canal under the order of Yangzhou and ordered the world famous. In 1985, Yangzhou City People’s Congress vote, was named Yangzhou City flower.