治病必須首先認識疾病(卽診断)。疾病之能否得到适当治療,完全要看診断是否精确。所以中医很早就有“先議病后議葯”的嚴格規定。过去某些人認为中医是对症治療,并不認識疾病,因而根本談不上什么診断,这是不正确的。其産生錯覚的原因大致是:(一) 中医主要是根据臨床症狀綜合分析其病理生理改变,枉表面上看
Treatment must first recognize the disease (卽 diagnosis). Whether the disease can be properly treated depends entirely on whether the diagnosis is accurate. Therefore, Chinese medicine has long been “the first proposed disease after the proposed drug” strict rules. In the past, some people think that Chinese medicine is symptomatic treatment and do not know the disease. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that there is no diagnosis at all. The reason for the wrongly generated is roughly: (a) Chinese medicine is mainly based on the clinical symptoms of a comprehensive analysis of its pathophysiological changes, in vain