据今年1月17日《今日美国》报道,目前在全世界范围内已有8900多万人使用Internet。另据国际数据公司(IDC)推测,到1999年,这一数字将达到1.99亿。Internet以其信息量大、种类多、传输速度快等优点受到越来越多的国家和组织的重视。在这个趋势的影响下,美国的情报机构也一改往日的谨慎,积极地步入电脑网络时代,其标志就是秘密情报专用计算机通信网络——Interlink网。 Interlink于1994年12月底正式联通运行,它借助了
According to “USA Today” reported on January 17 this year, more than 89 million people worldwide use the Internet at present. According to International Data Corporation (IDC) speculation that by 1999, this figure will reach 199 million. Internet has received more and more attention from more and more countries and countries because of its large amount of information, variety and fast transmission speed. Under the influence of this trend, the intelligence agencies in the United States have also changed the cautious and positive past of the past into the age of computer networks, and the hallmark of this trend is the Internet network for secret intelligence-only computer communications. Interlink was officially unveiled at the end of December 1994, with the help of