托克逊县从1957年伊始凿自流井取用地下水, 截止1980年,全县每个自然村和城镇人口比较集中的地方都有几眼自流井,自流井为解决人畜饮水和灌溉用水发挥了重要作用。随着人口增加,工农业的快速发展,地下水取水量猛增,致使地下水储量减少,水位逐渐下降,一些自流井出水量减少或断流。由于大量自流井断流,托克逊县财力紧张,没有能力拿出大量的资金帮助农村打新的自流井,使原先已解决饮水问题的群众又成为新的需解决饮水困难的人群,因此托克逊县把断流自流井的改造利
Since the beginning of 1957, Toksun County has been digging artesian wells and taking ground water. By 1980, every natural village and urban population in the county had glances of artesian wells, and artesian wells played an important role in solving the problems of drinking water for human and livestock and water for irrigation. With the population growth, the rapid development of industry and agriculture, groundwater withdrawals soared, resulting in a decrease in groundwater reserves, a gradual decline in water levels and the reduction or discontinuation of water flow in some artesian wells. As a result of a large number of artesian wells cut off, Toksun County financial constraints, unable to come up with a lot of money to help create new artesian wells in the rural areas, so that the original problem-solving people have become the new drinking water people need to solve the problem, County to break the artesian wells benefit