王武子新著《蔡尚思学述》作为“大师学述”之一种,已于2001年1月由鹭江出版社出版。翻阅数遍,不忍释手;获益之余,略抒浅识。 蔡尚思先生是中国现代著名的史学家、哲学家和思想史专家,迄今已公开出版专著二十多部,发表论文三百来篇。《蔡尚思学述》对“蔡氏之学”进行了较为全面系统的论述,按照蔡先生在该书序言里的话说:“此书不仅言必有据,而且有精彩的分析,可以配合我的拟著一书,这才算得上是写出了我之真我。”
Wang Wuzi’s new book, “A Study of Cai Shangsi,” was published as a “master’s book” in January 2001 by Lujiang Publishing House. Read a few times, could not bear to hand; benefit more than a brief description. Mr. Cai Shangsi is a famous modern Chinese historian, philosopher and intellectual history expert, so far has published more than 20 monographs, published three hundred papers. In his preface to the book, “A Book Review of Cai Shangsi” made a more comprehensive and systematic exposition of “Chua’s Study,” saying: “This book is not only informative but also has wonderful analysis that can be used with my proposed With one book, this can be regarded as writing my true self. ”