我们在微机长期操作使用中,曾多次遇到同一类型的故障现象,即显示指示灯灭,屏幕无显示。在此介绍排除其故障的方法。 显示器指示灯灭,屏幕无显示,说明电源电路有问题,此时应检查行扫描、振荡器及显像管等各级电路是否正常工作。打开显示器后盖后,首先取下电源保险丝,用三用表电阻档测量该保险丝的电阻值为无穷大,说明显示器的保险丝已熔断。当再换上(I=1.5A)新的保险丝后,接通显示器电源开关,新保险丝立即又熔断,判断出
We use the computer in long-term operation, has repeatedly encountered the same type of fault phenomenon, that is, the indicator light is off, the screen no display. Here’s how to troubleshoot it. The indicator light is off, the screen is not displayed, indicating a problem with the power circuit, this time should check the line scan, oscillator and CRT at all levels circuit is working properly. After opening the display back cover, first remove the power fuse, with the resistance meter of the meter to measure the resistance of the fuse is infinite, indicating that the display fuse has blown. When replaced with a new fuse (I = 1.5A), turn on the monitor power switch, the new fuse immediately blown, to determine