板蓝根又叫大靛,为十字花科植物菘蓝(Isatis tinctoria L.),是一种根叶两用中药材。内含板蓝根乙素、靛红素、氨基酸等。性寒、味苦,功能清热、凉血、解毒,主治热病发斑、咽喉肿痛及丹毒等症。中医药学上多用以防治流行性感冒、咽喉炎、腮腺炎、传染性肝炎及乙型脑炎等疾病。板蓝根为一年生或二年生草本植物。在我省是春季播种,夏季收叶,秋季收根,第二年收获种子。我省由南到北,均可种植。
Radix also called indigo, is a cruciferous plant Isatis tinctoria L., is a root and leaf Chinese herbal medicine. Containing Banlangen B, isoproterenol, amino acids and so on. Cold, bitter, functional heat, cooling blood, detoxification, attending fever spots, sore throat and erysipelas embolism. Traditional Chinese medicine used to prevent influenza, sore throat, mumps, infectious hepatitis and Japanese encephalitis and other diseases. Banlangen is an annual or biennial herb. In our province is the spring planting, harvesting in the summer, autumn roots, the second harvest of seeds. My province from south to north, can be planted.