In an identity society, such as Europe in the 16th and 18th centuries, the development of a market economy is a threat to the traditional social hierarchy. In that context, the stigmatization of certain emotions is a weapon in the hands of those who support aristocratic positions. This aristocratic position supports the gift economy against the market economy based on price valuation. Economic behavior stemming from two perspectives leads to the extreme of behavior, the generosity of aristocrats and the greed of merchants. When their values contradict and are criticized, both sides have an emotional reaction, especially an angry response, but these emotional manifestations are endured unequally by the community. The opposition between the two economies is reflected in the medieval Church’s struggle against greed, usury, and greed. Some of the 16th and 17th centuries that reflect the contemporary themes of concern show that the greedy and generous economic performance on stage is consistent with the economic behavior found in the judicial files of that period. The appearance of these emotions and the amnesty order sent to the king for forgiveness also show that the degree to which different parts of society endure law is different due to social status and gender. In modern Europe, the higher the status of society, the more angry the right.