有这样一个故事: 日本一家著名企业与我国沿海一家工厂合资注册一家企业。本来商定日资占投资额的49%,谈判中日商提出要使用其知名度颇高的商标,并折合成资本入股。但其商标折合成的资本竟占了合资企业总投资的40%,也就是说,除商标外,日商只需出资9%即可,因为品牌是一种资产。这使参与谈判的中方大部分代表感到十分惊讶!这闻所未闻的做法耗费了许多时间来解释和说明,后经过种种周折,合资企业办成并红红火火,但中方许多人仍然忘不了当初谈判时的尴尬与困窘。
There is such a story: A famous Japanese company has established a joint venture with a factory in China’s coast to register a company. It was originally agreed that Japanese investment accounted for 49% of the investment amount. In the negotiations, Japanese businessmen proposed to use their well-known trademarks and convert them into capital. However, the capital it trades into a trademark accounted for 40% of the total investment of the joint venture. In other words, except for the trademark, the Japanese company only needs to invest 9%, because the brand is an asset. This surprised most of the Chinese representatives participating in the negotiations! This unheard-of practice took a lot of time to explain and explain. After various twists and turns, the joint ventures became very successful. However, many of the Chinese people still could not forget the original negotiations. The embarrassment and embarrassment.