一神鹿茸伪制品的鉴别陈小玉,杨志芬(浙江省宁波市药品检验所,宁波315040)我地最近从黑龙江黑河调入一批鹿茸,其外形长短较为接近,经进一步鉴定,发现该品纯系人工伪制而成。现将其性状、显微特征及理化鉴别介绍如下:1 性状该品近似马鹿茸,都为侧枝一个(...
The Identification of Monospermic Antler Counterfeit Products Chen Xiaoyu, Yang Zhifen (Ningbo City Institute of Drug Control, Ningbo 315040, China) Recently, I transferred a group of pilose antler from Heihe, Heilongjiang Province. The length of the antler was relatively close. After further identification, the product was found to be pure. Artificially made. Now its traits, microscopic characteristics and physicochemical identification are introduced as follows: 1 Characters The product is similar to pilose antler, all of which are side branches (...