提及美国空军创始人,人们大多会想到传奇人物威廉·“比利”·米切尔。这位倒霉的陆军准将事实上1926年就被迫离开了军界。更为糟糕的是,美国空中力量发展也因为这位美国“空中制胜”论倡导者的失势而跌人低谷。此后直至美国空中力量在第二次世界大战中脱颖而出,其间艰辛的创业与发展实际上都要归功于另一位鲜为人知的美国早期航空兵创始人——弗兰克·安德鲁斯(Frank M.Andrews)。
Referring to the founders of the U.S. Air Force, most people think of the legendary William “Billy” Mitchell. The unlucky Brigadier General was in fact forced to leave the military in 1926. To make matters worse, the development of U.S. air power also fell to its lowest point due to the loss of the advocate of “winning the air in the United States.” Since then, until the U.S. air power came to the fore in World War II, the arduous pioneering and development actually owed to Frank M. Andrews, another little-known American founder of early air force. .