由中国石油学会石油地球物理勘探学会举办的为期三个星期的地震资料解释新技术短期培训班,已于1983年元月22日结业。参加本期培训班的学员有来自石油部系统的38人,地质矿产部的19人,同济大学、成都地质学院等六所大专院校的教师学员10人,共67人。第一期培训班的主要授课内容有: 1.波的合成和分解 2.利用地震资料直接进行油气预测 3.油气资源的初期评价方法 4.解释实例教师在授课时除讲解基本原理外,还讲述了国外的最新技术和动向,如利用误
A three-week short course on new seismic interpretation techniques, organized by the Petroleum Geophysical Exploration Society of the Chinese Petroleum Institute, was completed on January 22, 1983. Participants in this training course included 38 from the Ministry of Petroleum system, 19 from the Ministry of Geology and Mines, 10 teachers from 6 tertiary institutions including Tongji University and Chengdu Geological Institute, totaling 67 people. The main courses of the first training course are as follows: 1. Wave synthesis and decomposition 2. Direct prediction of oil and gas using seismic data 3. Initial assessment methods for oil and gas resources 4. Explain examples In addition to explaining the basic principles, Describes the latest foreign technology and trends, such as the use of mistakes