贵州教育报刊社1995年度通讯发行工作会议.于1995年8月12日在贵阳市召开.会期两天.参加会议的代表是来自全省各地、州、市、县教育局的领导和通讯组长.共计100余人.会议期间.贵州省教委副主任李兴国亲自到会讲话,对《贵州教育报》、《贵州教育》、《初中生辅导》为全省教育事业的发展作出的成绩加以肯定,同时,对今后全省教育通讯发行工作任务作了具体的指导.贵州教育报刊社副社长乔明华同志在会上总结了1994年度全省教育通讯发行工作.表扬了作出成绩的地、州、市、县教育局和通讯组长,并发了奖状.到会代表认真听取了省教委领导和报刊社领导的讲话、热烈 地讨论,一致认为:一定要克服困难,千方百计作好两刊一报的宣传和组织订阅工作,组织广大读者读好、用好报刊.争取使1996年的订数有所上升,为两刊一报的发展作出贡献.
Guizhou Education Press, 1995 Communications Release Working Conference was held in Guiyang on August 12, 1995. The two-day meeting was attended by representatives from the leadership and communication team leaders from all localities, prefectures, cities and counties in the province A total of more than 100. During the meeting, Li Xingguo, deputy director of Guizhou Provincial Education Commission to personally speak on the “Guizhou Education Daily”, “Guizhou Education”, “junior high school counseling” for the development of education in the province to be affirmed the achievements of the same time , The province’s education and communications distribution tasks in the future made a specific guide.Jia Minghua, vice president of Guizhou Education Press comrades at the meeting concluded in 1994 the province’s education and communications distribution.Comments the achievements of the prefecture, city, County Board of Education and communication group leader, issued a certificate of concurrency. At the meeting delegates carefully listened to the provincial education commission leaders and newspapers and periodicals leadership speech, heated discussion, agreed that: we must overcome the difficulties, do everything possible to do a good job in two newspapers and one newspaper propaganda and Organize subscription work, organize the readers to read the books well, and make good use of the newspapers and journals to strive for an increase in the number of books in 1996 and contribute to the development of the two newspapers and one newspaper.