肺硬化性血管瘤是肺部少见的一种原发性良性肿瘤,多倾向于认为是肺良性神经内分泌瘤,国内外报道极少,我院收治1例经手术病理证实。1 病历简介患者,女,43岁。咳嗽、咯痰、痰中带血丝半年,但无胸痛气促。查体及实验室检查未发现异常。X线胸片:右肺中叶外段有一35cm×40cm孤
Pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma is a kind of primary benign tumor rarely seen in the lung. It is mostly thought to be a benign neuroendocrine tumor of the lung. Reports at home and abroad are rare. One patient in our hospital was confirmed by operation and pathology. 1 medical history patient, female, 43 years old. Cough, expectoration, sputum with bloody blood for six months, but no chest pain and shortness of breath. Physical examination and laboratory tests found no abnormalities. X-ray: There is a 35cm×40cm orphan in the outer segment of the right middle lobe