Bayer one of the most dynamic multinational corporations in china

来源 :China\'s Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:no3ice
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What does China mean to Bayer??China has been the second largest individual market in Asia since 1998?China has been a market for Bayer's products for over 120 years since Bayer's dyestuffs and Pharmaceuticals entered China?china is a market where Bayer has grown by an average of 15% annually in the past nine years?China has become a regional investment focus for Bayer's capi-tal expenditure program?China is playing an increasingly important role in Bayer's ex-pansion plans for Asia What does China mean to Bayer ?? China has been the second largest individual market in Asia since 1998? China has been a market for Bayer's products for over 120 years since Bayer's dyestuffs and Pharmaceuticals entered China? China is a market where Bayer has grown by an average of 15% annually in the past nine years? China has become a regional investment focus for Bayer's capi- tal distribution program? China is playing an increasingly important role in Bayer's ex-pansion plans for Asia
1 病例报告患者,女,47岁。发现左乳肿物1年于1997—03—18就诊。查体:左乳头下触及一无痛性韧性肿物,直径约3 cm,界限清楚,活动度尚好。门诊诊断:乳腺纤维腺瘤。作肿瘤切除
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女士们,先生们,大家上午好! 首先请允许我代表中石化长城润滑油集团有限公司,对中国贸促会和越南政府为举办“越南行经贸大型考察活动”所做的努力表示感谢,并预祝“第二届
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