Critical Thinking(以下简称CT),既是一种高级的思维能力,又是一种极其可贵的精神特质,无论是在社会发展还是学术进步方面都有着举足轻重的地位,所以国内外教育界越来越重视学生CT技能与精神的培养和发展。作为从国外引进的研究课题,CT这一术语的翻译应该成为学术界首要关注的问题,然而,国内对此并无统一译名。实则国内外学者观点及历史文化因素等证明,CT应该被翻译成“思辨能力”。
Critical Thinking (CT) is not only a kind of advanced thinking ability, but also an extremely valuable spiritual trait, which plays an important role both in social development and academic progress, so the education community in our country has paid more and more attention Students CT skills and spirit of training and development. As a research topic introduced from abroad, the translation of the term CT should become the primary concern of academia. However, there is no unified translation of this term in China. In fact, domestic and foreign scholars point of view and historical and cultural factors that CT should be translated into “speculative ability ”.