患者女性,36岁,因服利福平2次出现唇、肢体末端青紫入院.患者患肺结核Ⅱ型,已用雷米封及链霉素2月余,发病前1月1次空腹服用利福平胶囊0.45g 半小时后感(?)急、胸闷不适,口唇、肢端皮肤明显青紫色.次日停服此药,2~3日后症状逐消退。后再次空腹服用利福平胶囊0.3g,半小时后出现前述症状.并伴全身皮肤搔痒,出现风疹,患省即去当地卫生院求诊,考虑为利福平
Female patient, 36 years old, because of rifampicin appeared 2 times the lips, limbs bruising admission patients suffering from tuberculosis type Ⅱ, has been used Remy pack and streptomycin more than 2 months, the incidence of 1 January before taking an empty stomach After an hour and a half, the capsule (0.45g) suddenly felt irritable and uncomfortable with chest tightness, and the skin of the lips and extremities was obviously bruising. The medicine was stopped on the next day, and symptoms were subsided after 2-3 days. After taking fasting capsules rifampicin 0.3g, half an hour after the above symptoms. And with systemic skin itching, there rubella, the affected provinces go to the local hospital for treatment, consider rifampicin