秦山核电二期工程是由我国自主设计、自主建造、自主管理、自主运营的第一座商用核电站。工程于1987年国务院批准立项,设计装机容量为两台60万千瓦级压水堆核电机组,1995年12月批准开工,并列入国家“八五”重点建设项目,1996年6月浇灌第一罐混凝土,1号机组于2002年4月提前投入商业运行,2号机组于2004年5月投入商业运行。 工程在最短时间内完成全部调试任务,总共试验项目达760项,涉及300多个系统,20多万台设备。做到一次水压试验成功,一次安全壳强度及密封性试
The second phase of Qinshan Nuclear Power Project is the first commercial nuclear power station independently designed, independently constructed, operated and operated independently by our country. The project was approved by the State Council in 1987 to design two 600 MW PWR nuclear power generating units and was approved for construction in December 1995. It was included in key national “85” key construction projects and was drenched in June 1996 In the first tank of concrete, Unit 1 was put into commercial operation ahead of schedule in April 2002 and Unit 2 was put into commercial operation in May 2004. The project completed all the commissioning tasks in the shortest time with a total of 760 pilot projects involving more than 300 systems and over 200,000 devices. Achieve a hydrostatic test, a containment strength and tightness test