许多国家和地区的经验表明:在经济发展过程中,制定符合实际的经济发展战略是十分必要的。当然,经济发展战略的制定不能随心所欲,一方面必须从本国、本地区的实际情况出发,另一方面应有正确的经济理论作指导。本文根据比较优势理论的某些原理,结合四川实际,提出经济发展战略的一些基本思路。 一 比较优势理论是西方经济学家解释国与国之间经济贸易关系的一个重要理论,它是古典经济学家李嘉图在斯密“绝对优势理论”的基础上发展起来的。李嘉图认为,在国际分工和国际贸易中起决定作用的不是绝对优势而是比较优势原则。所谓比较优势原则,是指一国在对外贸易时,应当考虑的不是本国的商品生产成本是否绝对低于其它国家,而是本国生产的商品成本方面哪些比较有利,哪些比较不利。假定各国都生产对自己较为有利的商品并同别国交换,则每个参加国际贸易的国家都能从中
The experience of many countries and regions shows that in the process of economic development, it is absolutely necessary to formulate a realistic economic development strategy. Of course, the formulation of economic development strategies can not be arbitrary. On the one hand, we must proceed from the actual conditions in our own country and in our own region, and on the other hand, we should be guided by the correct economic theory. Based on some principles of comparative advantage theory and the reality of Sichuan Province, this paper puts forward some basic ideas of economic development strategy. A theory of comparative advantage is an important theory that Western economists explain the economic and trade relations among countries. It was developed by classical economist Ricardo on the basis of Smith’s Theory of Absolute Advantage. Ricardo believes that the decisive role in the international division of labor and international trade is not absolute but comparative advantage. The so-called principle of comparative advantage means that when a country is in foreign trade, it should consider whether the cost of goods produced in its own country is definitely lower than that of other countries, but rather which ones are more favorable and which are more adverse in terms of the cost of goods produced in the country. Assuming that all countries produce more favorable goods for themselves and exchange them with other countries, every country participating in international trade can