我本来想写的是妙喻如珠,可能开初只是因了读音的联想,因了声母与韵母的接近,我写成了妙喻如舟。 是的,妙喻是承载思想的舟。读陈四益先生的《绘图双百喻》,你无法不感到他的思想的敏锐、犀利、丰富与活泼。再加上永远是“小丁”的丁聪老的寓锋芒于圆熟憨厚之中的配画,便构成了《读书》杂志的开篇或收篇风景。 但又不仅是承载思想,不仅是形式、躯壳与载体。如果仅仅是摆渡的舟,那么,也许我们可以提出一个疑问:何必要自己跟自己转腰子,写个什么比喻呢?干脆明说直说,干脆写成传单、声明、宣言、策论、意见书不是更痛
What I originally wanted to write is wonderful like a bead, probably just beginning because of the pronunciation of the association, because of the initials and vowels close, I wrote a wonderful metaphor like a boat. Yes, wonderful metaphor is the boat carrying the thought. You can not but feel the sharpness, sharpness, richness and vividness of Mr. Chen’s four-figure paintings. Coupled with Ding Ding, who is always a “small Ding”, his old style is composed of the first paintings of “Book of Reading” or the close-up scenery. But it is not only the carrying of ideas, not just form, body and carrier. If it is merely a boat for ferrying, then perhaps we can ask a question: why do we need to turn ourselves to ourselves and write a metaphor? Simply put it plainly, simply writing a leaflet, a statement, a declaration, a curse, a statement of opinion is not more painful