2003年有许多值得怀念的东西,2004年有许多值得期待的东西。对于生活,对于我们身处的这个通信时代无不如是。我们要用怎样的一种方式来怀念和期待这样一个日新月异的年代呢? 采用字母索引的方式来描述一件事情的方方面面。是一种时尚。也是一种很复古很传统的做法。人们对于字母表的敏感程度远远大于对纷繁芜杂的事件、术语和人物的敏感程度。这也是为什么我们试图在这样一篇小文里。描绘出整个通讯世界发展.变迁的根本原因。
There are many memorable things in 2003 and there are many things worth looking forward to in 2004. For life, we are in this era of communication is nothing less than. How can we use a way to miss and look forward to such a rapidly changing era? The use of alphabetical index way to describe one aspect of things. Is a fashion. Is also a very retro very traditional practice. The sensitivity of people to the alphabet is far greater than the complexity of the numerous incidents, terminology and character sensitivity. This is also why we are trying to be in a small piece of paper. Describe the development of the entire communications world. The root causes of change.