目的了解北京市怀柔区学校肺结核病疫情现状,为学校肺结核病防控工作提供科学的依据。方法对2012-2013年怀柔辖区内学校出现的所有活动性肺结核病例进行个案调查,对确定的所有密切接触者进行结核菌素(PPD)试验、胸部X线检查,对X线检查异常者及有咳嗽咳痰症状者均行抗酸杆菌痰涂片检查。结果 2012年1月至2013年12月共对辖区7名活动性肺结核师生患者所在的5所学校、12个班级的密切接触者524人进行了结核病筛查,共做PPD检查524人,强阳性41例,强阳性率7.82%。共检查X线胸片524人,胸片异常2例。痰涂片检查17人次,全部阴性。共发现活动性肺结核2例。结论在校学生是一个特殊的群体,容易发生结核病的感染和发病,一旦发生结核病疫情,应及时有效的对密切接触者进行筛查,早期发现潜伏结核感染及活动性肺结核病人,并做好预防性服药、密切接触者随访观察及健康教育工作,有效避免学校结核病的暴发流行。
Objective To understand the status quo of tuberculosis in schools in Huairou District of Beijing and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of tuberculosis in schools. Methods All cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in schools in Huairou district from 2012 to 2013 were investigated by a case-by-case survey. All identified close contacts were tested for tuberculin (PPD), chest X-ray, abnormal X-ray examination and Cough and sputum symptoms were acid-fast bacilli smear examination. Results From January 2012 to December 2013, a total of 524 people from 5 schools and 7 close contact classes of 12 active tuberculosis patients in the area were screened for tuberculosis. A total of 524 PPD examinations were performed. Positive in 41 cases, strong positive rate of 7.82%. A total of 524 X-ray examination, chest X-ray abnormalities in 2 cases. Sputum smear examination of 17 people, all negative. A total of 2 cases of active tuberculosis were found. Conclusions The students in school are a special group, prone to the infection and incidence of tuberculosis. Once an outbreak of tuberculosis occurs, close contacts should be screened in time and efficiently. Early latent tuberculosis and active tuberculosis should be detected and prevented Sexual medication, follow-up close contact with observation and health education, to effectively prevent the outbreak of tuberculosis in schools.