Gejiu, an industrial town in southern Yunnan, known as “tin are.” It has always been China’s largest modern tin industrial base and one of the earliest and largest tin production bases in the world. Gejiu tin production accounts for about 70% of national tin production, accounting for about 10% of world tin production, the past 50 years, more than 70 million tons of tin. But Gejiu is also one of the areas with the highest incidence of lung cancer in the world. For some time, this small city with a population of hundreds of thousands even had almost two people diagnosed with lung cancer each week. Due to the high mortality rate, patients diagnosed will die within a short period of time. This incident once caused panic in the whole city. On February 5, 1975, Premier Chou En-lai in the disease made a special instruction for this purpose. So, more than 30 years later, Gejiu lung cancer prevention and control of what happened? Reporters conducted a survey.