
来源 :国际儿科学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaochengcfq
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手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)系指由肠道病毒所致的传染病,其中柯萨奇病毒A16(coxsackievirus A16,CA16)和肠道病毒71(enterovirus 71,EV71)最常见。近年来,有研究发现HFMD的肠道病毒病原谱发生了改变,柯萨奇病毒A6(coxsackievirus A6,CoxA6)新谱系逐渐成为优势株,在欧洲、亚太地区及北美爆发流行。CoxA6相关HFMD的爆发流行对HFMD的防控提出了新的挑战。因此,该文对CoxA6的病原学、流行病学、临床特征、实验室诊断、预防措施及疫苗研究等作一综述,分析了HFMD相关CoxA6菌株的基因型与亚型,以期为HFMD的防控提供新的线索。“,”Hand, foot and mouth disease(HFMD)refers to infectious diseases caused by enteroviruses, of which coxsackievirus A16(CA16)and enterovirus 71(EV71)are the most common.In recent years, studies have found that the enterovirus pathogen spectrum of HFMD has changed.The new lineage of coxsackievirus A6(CoxA6)has gradually become a dominant strain, and it has spread in Europe, Asia Pacific and North America.The outbreak of CoxA6 related HFMD poses new challenges to the prevention and control of HFMD.Therefore, this article reviews the etiology, epidemiology, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, preventive measures and vaccine research of CoxA6, and analyzes the genotypes and subtypes of HFMD-related CoxA6 strains, in order to provide new clues for the prevention and control of HFMD.
百日咳毒素(pertussis toxin,PTx)是百日咳鲍特菌产生的重要毒素,是百日咳发病过程中重要的致病因子。研究显示,与PTx互作蛋白的分子量差异较大,从人淋巴细胞表面的43 kD蛋白到胰
脓毒症相关性脑病(sepsis-associated encephalopathy,SAE)是脓毒症患者常见的并发症,病死率较高,但其发病机制尚不清楚,且无公认的诊断标准及特效治疗方案。肠道在脓毒症发生发